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completed renovations
completed renovations
completed renovations
completed renovations
masha & construction worker

Petrova’s Promise had a vision to create a home and family environment for orphans with disabilities. Since this can no longer be done through adoption, Petrova’s Promise opened the first ever charity foster home in Russia for disabled orphans. Our dream was to provide a home and family environment for multiple orphans that have physical or mental disabilities who are cared for by a hired “foster mother” that lives with the children.  

In December of 2016, Petrova’s Promise purchased a flat in the New Moscow area of Moscow. We then completely renovated it, as new flats purchased in Russia only come with the cinder block walls. Everything else must then be added.  Soon after, our first family moved into our home!  

In each home, our highest hope is that the mother/parents might have a child or children of their own who aren’t disabled. If this is the case, then all the children can learn from each other. The orphan(s) with the disability can learn age-appropriate activities of daily living from their “sibling” and the typically developed child can learn patience and empathy from their “sibling” that has a disability.

Petrova’s Promise is dedicated to providing the first actual home, as well as all the needed medical care, therapies, education, activities, clothing and food, as well as anything else the child(ren) might need. Petrova’s Promise also pays the caregiver for their time and attention. The Russian Government pays a small stipend for the care of the child(ren), as well as the salary of the caregiver. Petrova’s Promise then adds to both of these fees in order to ensure the best care is provided to the child.

We soon evolved our plan into having each new family move into our flat in order to get established as a family.  Once that is done, the family then works towards moving into their own home with Petrova’s Promise continuing to support the children and the mother/parents.  In this model, the families and Petrova’s Promise work together so that each family can become more independent, while also receiving the added assistance so that the children receive the best care possible.

Since our first foster home opened, we now have five foster homes and are taking care of 23 children!  One of the families lives in our flat and the other five have their own homes. 

Petrova’s Promise is currently seeking funding to purchase a second home so that we can take in even more families to get established, with the plan that they will eventually move into their own homes.  Petrova’s Promise will pay for all the furnishings for the apartment including furniture, dishes, towels, etc, as well as the care of the child(ren), including all of their medical care, therapies, education, activities, clothing and food.  This will continue for each family once they are on their own in their own homes.

Laws prevent foreign adoption of Russian children, and disabled orphans are deemed undesirable and separated from society. Petrova’s Home is the first of its kind—a foster home and family environment for orphans with disabilities.


When a Russian orphan enters into Foster care the Russian Government will pay a small stipend for the care of the child(ren) as well as the salary of the caregiver. Petrova’s Promise will then add to both of these fees in order to ensure the best care is provided to the child.

Disabled Russian orphans rarely have access to medical care and equipment. Petrova's Promise is dedicated to helping the children that the world has forgotten about by providing medical care and equipment to children to help them grow and thrive.

how we help

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11 E 68th St, #2E New York, NY 10065

©2021 by Petrova's Promise

Illustrations by Jennifer Latham Robinson

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